Hi, I'm Santhosh 👋. I like to share tech stuff with the world!
If you need to set up a redirect for a domain to a subdomain and wonder how to do it in AWS, here is the answer. In my case, I wanted to redirect my...
Vite is a build tool and development server designed for modern JavaScript applications. Vite is built on the principles of ES modules and leverages...
In this article, I will show you how to deploy a static website using S3, CloudFront. As a bonus, I will also guide you on how to set it up to serve...
Automatically linting your files before a git commit helps in keeping your code base clean and prevents known errors from creeping in. It also helps...
ESLint is a tool used for static code analysis, which helps identify potential errors, bugs, or stylistic issues. It can detect problems such as...
TypeScript brings a static type system to JavaScript. It helps in code organizing. In this tutorial, let's see how we can set up a node.js typescript...